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Ortho & Co
Website (in French) presenting concrete applications of available technological tools for speech therapy and acquisition (software, websites, iPad applications...) cleverly mixing technical and human aspects. Lydie, speech therapist in the region of Lyon, France, presents tools that she actually uses and illustrates her posts with at least one concrete example either from rehabilitation sessions with one of her patients or from the daily management of her office.
You can subscribe to the site’s newsletter for free and make suggestions to the author via a form.

Pôle Académique Romand Trisomie 21
Le Pôle Académique Romand Trisomie 21 est une organisation scientifique partenariale rassemblant des professionnels, chercheurs, parents, personnes avec T21, accompagnants... Son but est de favoriser l’accompagnement des personnes avec Trisomie 21 pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur intégration sociale.

The Lucioles network
The Lucioles network is a French association aiming at improving accompaniment of people with a severe mental handicap by mutualisation of experience between parents and professionals.

The French speaking journal on intellectual deficiency
The French speaking journal on intellectual deficiency was created in 1990 by Hubert GASCON, Serban IONESCU et Wilfrid PILON. It publishes research articles on different topics around intellectual deficiency. The aim of this French speaking journal is to disseminate the results from research and make them accessible to professionals. The articles can be accessed online for free two years after their publication and with a subscription otherwise.

Easy health - Trisomie 21 France
The Trisomie 21 France recently put a website online to help people with an intellectual deficiency to take care of their health and cope with constraints. The site respects UNAPEI’s accessibility norms (see here). It provides information and services around the topic of health. The sites ergonomics respects UNAPEI directives but not necessarily those of the CHANGE association (see here).