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DNP - Natural Dynamics of Speech
Website (in French) of the association Joie de Parler presenting DNP (Dynamique Naturelle de la Parole - Natural Dynamics of Speech), a gestural method to support speech acquisition and used by many speech therapists.

Déclic is a French magazine providing information to cope with handicaps for families.

Makaton - France
The website of the French association Avenir Dysphasie Makaton with information and ressources on the training sessions.

Za’s blog
The blog (in French) of a second year student in occupational therapy in Lyon on handicaps, sign languages, alternative communication methods, ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis), ABAVB (ABA-Verbal Behavior), MEDEK, conductive education...

Nelly signe avec vous
The website (in French) of the sign language learning software "Nelly signe avec vous » with videos of people using it with people with Down Syndrome to facilitate communication.