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ComEns in the letter of the ARIST

Date of post : 01/10/2014 18:39:04

Here are some articles (in French) published in the letter of the ARIST association on the ComEns project or written by their scientific coordinators:


  • "La recherche à la portée du grand public à la Grange" (Research brought to public at large at la Grange) (n°49 - summer 2014): read here (whole version of the letter here).
  • "Journée mondiale 2014 de la Trisomie 21" (2014 World Down Syndrome Day) (n°48 - May/June 2014): read here (whole version of the letter here).
  • "Quand la recherche collabore au-delà des continents" (When research collaborates between continents) (n°47 - December 2013/January-February 2014): read here (whole version of the letter here).

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