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The importance of having a medium to communicate
Date of post : 03/10/2014 10:59:26
Helen Keller became deaf, blind and speechless after a stroke at the age of 19 months. Deprived from a mean to express herself, she underwent anxiety attacks her parents had difficulties dealing with until her educator, Anne Sullivan arrived. She will indeed re-teach her language via the sense of touch. The citation below from Helen Keller's auto-biography shows how she rediscovered language: "We ...
ComEns in the letter of the ARIST
Date of post : 01/10/2014 18:39:04

Here are some articles (in French) published in the letter of the ARIST association on the ComEns project or written by their scientific coordinators:


  • "La recherche à la portée du grand public à la Grange" (Research brought to public at large at l ...
Videos about down syndrome - Experience sharing
Date of post : 01/10/2014 15:42:57
Here are several links toward videos of people with Down syndrome sharing their experience:
  • Everyone is doing a 'Happy' dance for World Down Syndrome Day 2014 : a very "happy" video - view here .
  • "Down Syndrome in the 21st Century" : a video explaining what Down Syndrome ...
Dear future mom
Date of post : 01/10/2014 15:10:23
A very touching video from the CoorDown association in reply to a letter from a future mom expecting a baby with Down Syndrome wondering what her/his life will be like. 15 beautiful messages from people with Down Syndrome...: view it here.
ComEns in the newspaper
Date of post : 10/09/2014 18:44:10
The Dauphiné Libéré newspaper published a paper on the conference presenting the project and organized by the ARIST association on June 2nd 2014 (see related event) by the scientific coordinators of the project: read the paper (in French).
You can also ...